Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Gaara Lemon

This is an exceptionally long lemon. Feel free to skip straight ahead if you want. The reason this one is so long is that Gaara is one of my favorite anime characters.                         

Name: Taiyo
Kekkei Genkai: Blinding light jutsu.
Looks: Muscular slender build, caramel colored shoulder length hair,  peach colored lips,, tan skin, light freckles on bridge of nose, and bright yellow eyes.

Background: The family line that you currently occupy a position in is highly renowned and integrated in the government of Kirigakure. Your father and mother were top grade assassins during the rule of the forth Mizukage. From the age of 12 to 20 you were apprentice to them, under their tutelage you were brain-washed into doing horrible things, murderous deeds of course. When you were 18, your parents were killed under suspicious circumstances but already having buried your hands in the blood of both innocent and evil victims, life continued the same. The head of council saved you from the hellish nightmare of crimson drenched deceit. He revealed that he was your grandfather and that he'd been searching for you and your parents since you were 4. With his help you learned morals. You felt emotions healthily, how to be... human. He had helped you gain your place in society as an international communications personnel.

Story Starts:
Regular P.O.V
"Thankful to be alive!" you chirped yawning as you sat up off the make shift bed on the sandy ground. This saying was a habitual reminder to yourself. Always feeling like you didn't deserve to be alive but joyful of the chance you made damn sure you remembered.

The sun was just rising and from yesterday's experience you knew today would be very hot. There was only 10 more miles to Suna. The mission you were on was very delicate. You were sent on a mission to deliver the Kirigakure side of the treaty with Suna. After collecting up you things you started the last strip to Suna over an endless sea of sand. The vast hills gave off an illusion of pure thoughtful deja-vu. The sun was crawling towards noon when Suna's gates started looming half a mile in the distance.  You came upon a steep incline that made a desert trench that stretched for miles. You had to cross it, but the other side wasn't too steep of an incline. The task would not be bothersome. Looking down in the sandy canal you noticed a small tree 50 feet west, thriving and green in the center of the trench. Suspicion immediately set in.Something was up you could just smell it. You could sense someone was around you by their chakra. This was clearly a trap. Digging into a pouch on your waist you grabbed a handful of ninja stars and threw them into the sand and the little tree.

"Clever women, hm, but I was informed that you were not a ninja" a man shifted out of the sand at the bottom about 20 feet directly in front. The tree poofed into a rock. 'This man was the trap, the tree was a decoy.' "I'm not-Who are you? What is the meaning of this farce?!" you yelled down deeply frowning. "Hand over the treaty!" He shouted back. Two sand clones formed on both the right and left flanks. "Not a chance!" you leaped towards the other side of the trench throwing two exploding shuriken at the clones. Preforming a hand sign you blasted fire down at the man to push your own mass the rest of the way to the other side. Instead of fighting and hurting the man you flitted towards the Suna gates. The guards would intervene and stop this altercation. The man that attacked you followed and stopped 10 feet short of you. Alarms sounded, dull but loud. "You stupid bitch!" The man spat. "Well you sealed your own fate!" he laughed. Upon closer inspection he had torn off his camouflage from earlier. "What!.. You dirty trader!" you spat, he was a sand ninja. He relaxed as two men from the gates came running up. Still in fighting stance you did not take sight off the asshole.

"What's going on ?!" an authoritative voice barked 5 feet behind. The enemy spoke first. "This women tried to kill me, she plans to devoid the treaty she carries by false conspiracy!" You were astonished by his devious accusation but the moron obviously revealed his own plans. "What! State you name!" "You are under restraint till we can gather information." The ninja behind you demanded. This had spun out of control rapidly. "Wait no! -that's not what happened!" you spun around looking at the two men with hands up in surrender. "Respond peacefully," the guy with purple markings on his face started at you slowly. You shifted your feet about to comply but the trader flung a kunai at the back of you head shouting "Konkuro watch out!" as he did. You caught it swiftly and hurled it back at him nailing him in the leg. A puppet came at you, so did a wind jutsu that kicked up a huge dust devil. Both the puppet and sand tornado followed you as you jumped around the trio dodging strikes. Grabbing the canteen on your belt that held a special oil mixture, you took a big swig of it, holding the viscous substance in your mouth. During your circle around them you had scattered chakra netting spikes. You activated the white chakra nets, they came exploding out and around the men like a mushroom cloud. "Yuuh!" you feet were taken out from underneath you. The oil was forced from your mouth when your chin hit the sand as you were dragged upward in the air.

There was another ninja coming from the distance and you were left hanging by your ankle. The three climbed out from under the net to dust them selves off. The other man holding you captive with a sand jutsu slowed to a walk approaching the three of you. It was hard to crank your neck to see your captor while upside down. One symbol that he garnished definitely caught your attention. The Kazekage had intervened.

"What's going on Konkuro?" his voice was deep like gravel. "This women is from Kirigakure," the man with purple markings looked at you then at the Kazekage that stood merely a few yards behind you. " She attacked us!" the man who had set you up spoke fast. "No! fucking liar! you tried to take my home's treaty from me I only defended myself!" you screamed venomously, bits of sand flinging from your mouth. "Treaty? This is serious..." he paused for a moment to turn you around. At the very least he was gorgeous, that dark red hair and seafoam green eyes, so much contrast in his features. It puzzled you that-that thought had even crossed your mind. He stared at you for a moment taking in all of you by just studying your face. "Akito." "Yes Lord Kazekage?" your attacker responded. "Arrival report was due yesterday what are you doing out here?" the Kazekage's attention was on him now. The man didn't readily speak. "I am aware few among us are not in favor of this change," the Kazekage coached sternly. "You'll find evidence back there in the trench half mile back, he's a damn trader," you yelled. sand was still apparent in your mouth when you grit your teeth.

"Bonkotsu do a sweep of the area," the Kazekage did not let you down but glanced at you quickly. "Aaah!" Akito came at you forming hand signs. The Kazekage was quicker though. He pulled you back and shielded the man's wind attack flinging sand everywhere. The man named Konkuro was already on the ball he subdued Akito with chakra strings. "You don't understand we can't support Kirigakure!" he was snarling now, his ass on the ground. "That's enough! You and your accomplices have jeopardized peace with Kirigakure!" the Kazekage was absolutely infuriated.  You were glad that you were not upright to see the full extent of his glare. "Take him to intelligence, I will see to it that Ms. Yoshimura has a more friendly welcome from here on out." His ninja nodded, forced the trader to his feet and started to walk towards the powerful looking gates.

They were 10 feet away when he turned back to you. He stared again into you eyes and slowly set you back down on the ground upright. For all that was humiliating you just stared back like an idiot. His sand receded back into his gourd after which he reached back to put a large cork in the open hole at the top of it. "Are you alright? Should I take you to be examined?" He walked up to you. "Uh..." you looked down and all around your body to assess. "No I-I'm fine," you couldn't seem to articulate correctly. "Take this," he reached behind him grabbed a water canteen from under his cloak and handed it to you.

"For the sand," he noticed the dumb founded look on your face. "Thank you," you took it cleaned your face of the oil and sand then proceeded to rinse you mouth out. "This is very unfortunate, I will take you to the courier office so you may inform your head of council what has conspired here," his face held worry. You handed him his water. "Come I will escort you," He turned and started to walk. You followed in step beside him. "Lord Kazekage I apologize that this discrepancy has risked the chance for peace between our nations. I could have controlled the situation," you began. "No. You were a guest in our land and our own betrayed us," he continued to look straight but glanced at you momentarily. "There is no way I am going to let one out of thousands destroy this chance our generation has been given!" you were mad. "I will convince my grandfather that we can forgive this," he looked at you. "So you are related to Gin Yoshimaru." You both had come up on the gates. "Yes." you walked into the city with him. "There is no need for you to minimize the severity of the situation." Hes now kept his eyes on you as the both of you walked. "It is my duty to my home I must take responsibility as well," you were upset this could not be happening you could not fail this mission. He seemed to contemplate that as you two walked. 20 minutes passed and you stared at the sky and roof tops until the both of you stopped in front of the Kazekage Building. (I don't know if that is right...sorry.) He led you to the top floor and took you into the bird keep room. Inside there was a huge circular window lighting the room brightly. There were two falcons perched on wooden perches that were placed in the wall horizontally. He handed you a scroll to write on and writing utensil from the stacks kept nicely on a clean shelve. "Our ninja will take full responsibility for this, and we will make any compliance to restore this treaty," he finally spoke and turned to put a leather glove on. You reached out and touched his shoulder. The gesture was to connect with him as your grandfather had taught you but it made you feel strange so you quickly pulled away.

"No... I can resolve this let me fulfill my mission.. please Lord Kazekage," you spoke calmly. "I can not force you to do anything but I will be sending my own letter," he said. You chose not to argue with him further and started to write as he did. When you both were done he rolled the two pieces of paper up and attached them to a falcon that immediately perched on his forearm .He walked to the window with the bird pirched, he extended his arm out the window. The falcon took off. "Ms. Yoshimaru-" "Taiyo please," you interjected. "Taiyo... we must inform Suna council and document the necessary reports of the events today." he took the leather glove off and motioned you to follow him.

The council was most shocked and apologetic. A couple were outraged that one of their ninja would "act out in such a manner" as one put it.  The Kazekage would see to it that you would be protected until this transgression was resolved. The council would participate in the investigation of the traders knowledge and would relate all findings to the both of you.

Gaara's P.O.V.

The sun was starting to set once the two of you finished the report and sent a copy off to Kiregakure. It was noticeable that she was uncomfortable staying in sight at all times and having to lodge in the Kazekage building. The council determined that the arrangements would be ideal since you and your siblings occupied the Kazekage quarters. She knew that her safety from further discrepancies was primary to fixing this ordeal; so she refrained from voicing her opinion verbally on the matter. You walked her down the corridors to what would be her suite for the time being  "I will let you situate your belonging and get cleaned up, I will be back to get you to eat," you stopped at a door and turned to her handing her a key. Her hand was soft. "Oh no that is quite alright I have money for food," she blushed and looked away. "No, everything you need will be provided, we had already made hospitable arrangements before you arrived," you told her. It was oddly comfortable to be around her. You had found yourself glancing at her constantly through-out the day. She bowed slightly with gratitude, "thank you Lord Kazekage," she tilted her face up at you and smiled. That made your ears warm. Turning abruptly you left slightly embarrassed for some unknown reason.

Regular P.O.V.

The room was certainly beautiful.  A queen size bed trapped in shiny glazed wood stood against  a wall on the north side of the room. A window to the east wall illuminated the room with the light of the setting sun. There was a desk and dresser that matched the wood and design work of the bed frame. The desk was placed under the window and the dresser against the south wall. There was a door leading out of the room on the south wall that you knew would be the bathroom. You took in the foreign architecture of the walls, ceiling, and floors. It would do just as good as your own room back home but far more spacious. Setting your big pack down you rummaged through it and grabbed new clothes and bathing necessities. The bathroom was colored in peach and black. Black shower curtain and rugs. The towels were peach and so was the soap and toothbrush holder. Pretty green designs lined the walls and a round window was cut above the inside shower wall. You took your time bathing then got dressed. It was dark by now so you turned the ceiling lights on in the room. You placed all of you stuff organized around the desk. It did not appeal to you to place your belongings in the dresser.

There was a knock at the door. A rumble of your stomach answered before you even open it. You stepped out and locked it. The man from earlier with purple markings on his face was with the Kazekage. "Taiyo this is my brother Konkuro, he is head of offense here in Suna," The Kazekage introduced him. "Hey there," he shook your outstretched hand. "Sorry about attacking you earlier," he shook your hand. "nice to meet you and no need for apologies, I have had enough of those for one day, besides anyone would have protected their own over an outsider," you smiled brightly. He smiled big making his markings stretch. "Took the words right out of my mouth! Well hope your hungry little girl!" he started to walk. You laughed at his laid back attitude, looked at the Kazekage who shrugged and all of you walked to the dining hall making small chit-chat about the treaty.The smell of food aroused your taste buds when you entered a small dinning room. A blonde woman with a large fan attached to her back was standing in the corner by another entrance talking with someone who looked like a chef. She turned and smiled at the three of you before dismissing the guy and walking around the table mounted with food. "Temari, this is Taiyo top of international relations in Kiregakure," the Kazekage smiled at the woman. She held out her hand and you shook it. "Nice to meet you Temari," you smiled thinking that she was surely beautiful but in a tom boy way. "Well it's about time, the three of you arrived, dinner was getting cold," she walked to the table and sat down, the two men followed suit. You did hesitantly, it was weird to sit down and eat with other people, you always ate alone. from what the council said earlier about the Kazekage and his two sibling residing in the building you knew that Temari was their sister. They did their best to entertain you with conversation.

2 Days Later
It was seven in the morning when the Falcon arrived back, letter in tow. You and the Kazekage took it to the Suna council to review the message in front of them. Your grandfather at the very least was displeased. The message detailed that you were to remain within supervision until he could arrive in a month's time and that you personally were to work along side the Kazekage so all knowledge could be passed from you to the council. He made it clear that your personal letter tipped the balance in favor of keeping the treaty with Suna but the transgression of one of Suna's ninja had stalled the process. It didn't please you that you would be surprising paper work for the next month and not going home but it was an overwhelming sense of relief that the council had not voided the treaty.

It was the seventh night you had been there and you were starting to feel cooped up, all that had transpired was meetings, paper work, sleep, eating, and an overwhelming amount of new people. The Kazekage walked you to your room as he had every night as required by both council. There was a personal letter to you that came saying to stay in sight at all times, something the Kazekage preformed perfectly. "Lord Kazekage..." you paused as the both of you stopped in front of your door. "Yes Taiyo do you require something?" you had realized he was much more perceptive of others than his presence suggested. "I don't mean to be ungrateful  or to intrude on your free time, but I was hoping that you or another ninja could show me around Suna this evening, I'm feeling a bit... I would like to get some fresh air," you smiled.  By the look on his face he did not expect that. He hesitated for a moment. "Nevermind it's okay," you rushed to try and put the key in the door. "Ahem, I will take you," he said. "Are you sure?" you asked politely not wanting him to feel obligated.

Gaara's P.O.V.
She awed at things as you pointed them out. She related things to her home. Her personality was so bright people were very friendly when they talked to her in the open shops. After about two hours of walking around she suggest that it was time to head back. "Can we go up top?" she asked pointing to the top of the building when you got there. "That's possible," you held the door open for her for the hundredth time. Once on the roof she ran to the edge looking out across the roof tops. You sat down behind her. She turned around and smiled. Her glow was luminescent even though it was night. Sometimes when she smiled you had to look away. Taiyo came and sat next to you very close, closer than anyone else would. She laid down with her knees up and hands behind her head. It made you blush when you noticed that you were staring at her bare knees. "It's so beautiful here, the opposite really, of what my home looks like," she paused and sighed. "I don't deserve to be able to see such a beautiful sight," she sighed again looking up at the stars.

That was confusing. 'How could someone so beautiful be undeserving? Did I just think about how beautiful she is?' that thought confused you as well. "What do you mean?' you looked at her and she looked back with her yellow eyes. She blinked slowly opening her eyelids and sighed then looked back up at the sky. Without thinking you laid beside her. "I have done so many terrible things in my life, taken lives, and I get a chance to be happy, live, and see beautiful scenery like this, it just doesn't seem fair... but I'm thankful Lord Kazekage," she smiled guiltily. "Taiyo," you glanced at her then looked away towards the sky. "You can call me by my first name if that is suitable," honestly you just wanted to hear her say it. "I don't know if that would be appropriate, well I guess I use Mei's first name, oh kay...Gaara," she said your name very softly almost to herself. After that you sat in silence for awhile. When you looked back at her she was quietly sleeping. "Taiyo," you spoke gently to wake her. She rolled over and placed her arm on your chest. It gave you a strange feeling in the pit of your spine. Taiyo shifted slightly and blinked her eyes lazily. "Oh I'm sorry," she yanked her hand away and sat up swiftly looking away. "We should go back inside," she said after an awkward moment, avoiding looking at you as she stood up. Taiyo didn't speak to you or look at you until at her door. "Thank you very much Lor-Gaara, I hope I didn't trouble you," her cheeks were bright red. 'Why does she have to be so... sweet,?' you felt good and awful at the same time that it made words spew out of your mouth. "Taiyo..." she turned, door ajar. "Yes?" "Hm," you rubbed the back of your neck. "Don't hesitate to ask next time," you walked away. Since when were you an out-right nice person?

1 month later Regular P.O.V.
"I'm telling you, he''ll show up a day early." "Really?" Temari said with a mouth full of food. "You make him sound like a real stickler and I thought I was tough on my squad ha," she laughed. "He is, with rules and procedure but he's the kindest man you could ever meet," you took another bite of rice. "Hey you know what I've always wondered about you Taiyo?" Kankuro wiped his mouth without smudging his markings. "Yeah he's my grandfather," you smiled. "No I gathered that much, why don't you wear your ninja head band?" The smile on your face slowly disappeared, replaced with an ashamed frown. The tops of your ears became really hot. Temari and Gaara glanced at him then back to you then down to their plates. You looked at your plate embarrassed. "Because I'm not a ninja," it was hard to lift your head and smile. "And I can't ever become a ninja, I am trusted with international affairs because of my skills and blood line," you looked down at your plate again.  A few minutes passed in silence no one even scrapped their chopsticks against their plate. "I don't think I'm very hungry tonight," you scoot your chair back and left like a shamed dog.

Gaara's P.O.V.
"What the hell's wrong with you Kankuro!" Temari shark-faced at him. "How was I to know that was a tender subject! I feel bad enough okay!" No one spoke throughout the rest of the meal.

Regular P.O.V.
For three hours you walked around the corridors. Damn you guilt. When you passed the kitchen it was the answer to your restlessness. Cooking was your true passion. But the method in which you cooked was anything but conventional.  There were two chefs still cleaning. Stalking in silently and rubbing your hands together maniacally you crept up on the two unsuspecting chefs.

Gaara's P.O.V.
When you went to check on Taiyo she was not in her room. From there you went to the roof but no Taiyo. 'She must be walking around,' you thought taking to the halls. Rounding the corner towards the kitchen your ears picked up alot of noise. Temari, Kankuro, Kota, and Amira (two chefs) were peeping into the kitchen. Music, clanging, all sorts of noise was booming through the doorway. Then you noticed a frying pan stuck in the wall like a kunai knife. "What is this?" you asked them. Their skin spiked up and they glared at you seriously with pointer fingers to their mouths to shush you. Kankuro motioned to come here. How dare they shush you. Stubbornly you walked over and stood next to the entrance. Bending at your waist you joined the peeper's. Taiyo was in the kitchen... cooking? Yea she was definitely cooking but.. it was more of a blur, an elaborate domino set up. Everything was connected by chakra ropes. She was dancing around the kitchen pulling them certain ways to make a chain reaction occur. By the looks of it she was just finishing up.

Standing on the very tip of her toes of her right foot, arms strung straight behind her, back arched at an amazing 90 degree angle, she brought her left heel almost to the back of her head and spun. The chakra strings she held anchored from her fingers and tightened around her levitating foot. A strawberry jam looking material was flung out in perfect portion sizes atop seven perfectly glossy, snow white mounds on seven dessert plates. Taiyo brought her foot down bringing the pan right to her right palm, which she quickly discarded in the sink. She skipped to the freezer and pulled out a cookie sheet that had seven small bowls. There was something around them.. "Perfect!" she chimed in a sing song voice bending down level with the bowls, admiring them? There was a flask of oil she grabbed and took a long swig of it. Her right fist was brought to her mouth, pinky flaring upwards she produced blue flame from the outer edge of her hand. It was used on each dish for exactly ten seconds. She now turned her attention back to the bowls. With great care and one by one she lifted designs from the bowls. It was chocolate? Taiyo used the gentlest of touches to place them over the top and around each dessert. Then she grabbed a large mixing bowl that apparently contained sliced strawberries and aligned a few a top each dessert. To finish them off she discreetly blew a small amount of powdered sugar onto them from the palm of her hand. She seemed so happy.

 "Well don't you guys want to try them?" she turned towards the open kitchen doors, smiling so vibrantly. Your fellow peeping toms sucked their heads back to make it look like they weren't spying, leaving you to be the one to get caught directly. "Oh! Gaara! I- would you like to try some?" she blushed a little while looking to the floor then back at you. She knew the others had been watching, had she not noticed you walk up as well? The look on her face made you feel like a pervert. Her slender knees touched together ever so slightly, cheeks tinted in peach. Now you felt like a real pervert. The ideas that came to mind, you tried to shake those thoughts loose to no avail. Thankfully Temari, Konkuro and the others walked in, as if they hadn't been spying on Taiyo too. "Oh hey, what you got goin on here Taiyo," Konkuro said. "Those look delicious!" Temari added. The two chefs just let their jaws drop in amazement. "Well don't just stare, dig in!" Taiyo handed everyone a small dessert fork. "We've never even used these," the cooks sighed in utter defeat.

She watched as you all took the first bite. It was incredible, how could strawberries taste like this, and the custard. "I'm afraid you're going to have to stay forever," Temari oooed and aaahhed at the flavor. "You guys are so fired," Konkuro joked looking at the cooks who were weeping from the taste. Even though the forks were small, the desserts vanished in a few short minutes.

After eating dessert and chatting for a few minutes everyone left the kitchen to go to bed leaving you alone with her. "Would you like me to walk you to your room, Taiyo," your voice was uneven, uncollected, unfamiliar. "Yea I think I'm ready for bed now," she turned from the sink after washing her hands.

"What was the frying pan for?" you questioned trying to break the silence that had floated between the two of you. "The chefs wouldn't leave me alone, so... I had to threaten them," she smiled evilly. "I'll pay for the damage I'm sorry!" she exclaimed when she notice you were looking at her with a puzzled expression. "There is no need for that, I was just...surprised," you assured her. By this time you were at her door. "Thank you Gaara," her sweet smile never ceased to make your heart skip a beat. She turned to open her door. "Good night," she said. "Taiyo?" you stopped her. "Yes?" she turned back around to face you. "What you said to me on the roof, do you remember?" you questioned. Silence lingered for a few seconds. The question had caught her off guard.

Regular P.O.V
Why did he have to ask questions about that? Always probing. "Yes," your admittance was reluctant. It wasn't as if you could lie to the Kazekage, he could dig that information up, if he really wanted to. No matter how hard you tried to bury it, forget it, it could always be found. "I don't have a good past," ashamed, you confessed. "We all have something dark in our past.... you are too bright not to deserve life," he closed the distance to a foot. He made your stomach, flip, made your body do things it had never done before. "You're too kind Gaara," you almost couldn't accept  his comfort, you knew you really weren't worthy of it. Your eyes shifted to the floor then back to him. Gaara looked like he was concentrating, straining in fact. "Gaara?" you didn't know if you should touch him or not. Before you could decide he said goodnight and turned away quickly and left.

Before you fell asleep you realized that when it came time to leave Suna, you would miss the Kazekage very much.

Next Morning
Just like you said your grandfather was in Suna by 9:00 am sharp, a day early! Promptly following breakfast you and Gaara had situated in his office to review the interrogation report. Three pounding knocks echoed in the quiet room. "KAAZZEEKAGE!" the unmistakable voice boomed vibrating the door.You grinned at Gaara and ran to open the door. The enormous 60 year old man stalked in. Following him was a beautiful women his age. From reports, she had the same job as you but in your land.

"Taiyo!" he lifted your chin as if to inspect your face then pulled you into a big bear hug. "Grandfather!" you squealed like a young child. Once that was out of the way he got right down to business. It seemed he had already decided how he wanted the integration of international communications to go. Formalities complete. Gaara called a council meeting.

Grandfather had refused to release his decision without the council present. It was silent as the council members filed in one by one. If you left Suna unsuccessful you would never forgive yourself.

Mugi, head of Suna Council spoke first. "Gin Yoshimaru, we humbly welcome you. We expect that our disciplinary action taken upon Akito Hasegawa has appeased the dilemma in which both of our nations find themselves in. So that we may proceed with the probationary period of the agreement? he was a long winded man. "It is ultimately the Kazekage's decision to accept either of our new proposals," you grandfather spoke looking to Gaara. "Either Gin?" you addressed him formally. You were unaware of any alterations. "Yes, you were attacked by one of Suna's own. The elders and council have been quite indecisive, but Lord Mizukage to the benefit of our nation has pushed for progress," he paused. "In light of this situation we have two routes in which we are willing to proceed," Gin reached in his pack and placed two stacks of paper on the table side by side. "Lord Kazekage," he handed them to Gaara.

'When the hell am I going to get to see them?' you worried internally. The suspense was killing you. Gaara spent 30 min looking through each of them while everyone just sat in silence. The whole time you searched his face for any tell-tell signs of good or bad. He let on nothing. Gaara handed them to Muge and looked a Gin, then you. His gaze lingered on you for a second longer before turning towards his council members then to gaze out the window.

"Let our members reconvene, we will take no longer than three hours until we present our decision," everyone stood up. You and your grandfather left the room. Halfway down the hall he hugged you to him. "I missed you Taiyo!... So where's a good place to get some food around here?" his voice boomed off the walls. "Ha that's all you can think aboutt?!" "Follow me we should still have some food left over from breakfast, that I made." "Oh you've made yourself comfortable here then?" he raised an eyebrow. "What!? No I...-" "They've treated you well then- good!" The two of you came up on the kitchen. "Taiyo?" he said humorously with a tsk tsk tone. He stepped to look at the hole from the frying pan. "I can't help it if someone won't leave me alone while I cook," you defended walking into the kitchen.

A familiar duo had their heads neck deep in the fridge scarfing down left overs from breakfast. "Temari, Kankuro! Ha!" you laughed making them turn around, mouths full of food. They swallowed what was left in their mouths looked at each other, then you, then Gin. "Grandfather this is Temari and Kankuro, Gaara's siblings. "Gaara? huh?" he whispered behind the back of his hand then elbowed you. Of course nothing ever got passed your grandfather, you fidgeted with your fingers. "Nice to meet you Gin," they wiped their mouths in unison and held out their hands. "Nice to meet you both aswell," Gin shook their hands one at a time. "So what's going on with the treaty?"Kankuro asked. "The council is convening right now," you replied. "Yes and now I'm hungry," Gin rubbed his stomach. The four of you warmed up some food and ate at the dining table.

Finally Gaara walked in the room asking you and your grandfather to rejoin the council.

"We have reached our decision Gin," Gaara announced as the both of you sat down. You noticed your grandfather look at Kana (counterpart) with an expression you've never seen before. "5 years is too inconvenient of a time to complete a simple probationary period," Gin nodded in agreement. "We will accept your other proposal," Muge looked at Kana. "She has accepted the terms and conditions, the council expects Taiyo will do the same," Muge then turned to you. He passed the stack of papers to his left to be passed down. You read through it carefully taking your time even though everyone stared. "I accept," you said handing the papers to your grandfather. "Then it's settle, the probationary period will begin tomorrow and end a year from now," Muge confirmed. "Kana and Taiyo will be our communication operatives throughout the annual period," the council stood and exited.

"Kana and I will be leaving first thing in the morning," he announced. "The paper work will be our immediate focus then," Gaara added and stood up leading the three of you to his office.

5 hours later
Temari and Kankuro knocked on the door just as the four of you were finishing up. So how'd it go," Kankuro asked walking up to Gaara's large dark desk. "Not so well..." the two siblings looked at you worried. "I'm stuck with you both for a whole year!" you joked. "That's great!" Temari hugged you in excitement. Gin laughed wholeheartedly. "It's good to see Taiyo's made some friends in Suna, now let's all go have some Sake!" he proclaimed. Your grandfather acted like a twenty year old, something you realized he'd never grow out of. "Sounds like a wonderful idea! Kana replied. "Count me in," Kankuro add. "Me too!" Temari hugged you tighter. "I'll go but I'm not drinking," you said glaring at the old man. "Oh yes you are Taiyo! I won't see you for a whole year after tonight!" he was serious and you knew it. "Fine," you gave him a big grin. "Alllrigghht,," Temari all but screamed in your ear. Both of Gaaras's siblings chuckled evilly and  glared at him. "And you're coming too!" they demanded.

The night had been fun and everyone was in high spirits. All of you walked back to the Kazekage building to rest up for the night. Gaara and you taking the lead followed by your grandfather and Kana, then Temari and Kankuro in the rear.

Temari's P.O.V
Kankuro elbowed you hard in your ribs. "Kankuro, what the hell?" He put his finger to his mouth for you to quiet down and pointed at Taiyo and Gaara. He and Taiyo were laughing together, you'd never seen him smile like that before. Your jaw dropped almost to the ground. "How does she do that?" you whispered trying to catch what they were laughing about. Gaara then touched Taiyo's arm letting his fingers linger for a moment. "I can think of a few ways," he snickered. "You don't actually think?" you gawked. "Yea I do!" he was on the verge of hysterical laughter. "Bout time!"

Regular P.O.V.
It was midnight by the time the six of you got back. The siblings went off to their rooms after saying goodnight. "I'm going to miss you so much Taiyo!" your grandfather picked you up in his massive arms and spun you around. "Me too!" you giggled as he set you down. "Take good care of her," he said very seriously patting Gaara's shoulder. You both said your good byes with tears in your eyes as the four of you parted ways.

"My grandfather is quite smitten with Kana!" you giggled more to yourself than to Gaara. Him ritually walking you to your room."I'm glad he has found someone to love again," you said. "So you don't mine living in Suna for the year?" Gaara probed. "Oh no... I've actually grown fond of your home Gaara," you said turning to him as the two of you stopped at the door. "I don't think Temari and Kankuro would have let me leave anyways," you smiled. "I would have missed you a lot Gaara," you sheepishly admitted. Shock crossed his face. "What?" he asked stepping real close to you. "I-I would have missed you," it came out as a stutter this time. His deep penetrating gaze made your heart almost leap out of your chest. "Taiyo... I-" he hesitated. "Yes?" you asked. There was that concentrating look on his face again. "Never-mind," he shook his head and walked away leaving you confused and staring until her turned out of your sight. 'What was he going to say?' you thought to yourself opening the door. As you drifted off into slumber you tried to understand how you felt about the Kazekage, but you had no idea how to sort these new emotions.

Gaara's P.O.V
"Kankuro," you knocked on his door urgently. He opened it and blinked confused. It was obvious he'd already gotten ready for bed. "What's up?" he slurred his question into one word. "Come in," he said after a moment of you just staring a him. Kankuro sat on his bed and patted the space next to him which you didn't take. "So what ya need little brother? he asked. It was hard to find the words for the question you wanted to ask. A light bulb seemed to come on above Kankuro's head.

"This is about Taiyo isn't it?" he gave you a shit eating grin trying not to laugh. "She... confuses me, and when I think of her it's different from when I think about any other woman," you shook your head to try to get the image of her to fade away. "I knew it! You in love with her!" he bellowed with laughter then got up to come punch you in the shoulder. "My little brother 'Gaara,' in love!." "I would never thought it possible a decade ago." You death glared at him, but he was right that word fit perfectly. "What am I to do?" you asked defeated. Kankuro blinked then smiled mischievously, he leaned in towards you with his hand next to his mouth as if he were about to tell you a secret.

The first two sentences that came from him made you uncomfortable but the audacious words that followed afterward were completely inappropriate. Shaking your head you jerked away from him. He laughed at your reaction, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes.

"That's completely absurd!" you retorted. "Oh Gaara, you know you want to!" he barked back. "Be serious," you were on the defense. "How many times have you thought about sweet little Taiyo like that?" he teased holding back another fit of laughter. "That's not funny." "Bull-shit it's not." "I made a mistake coming to discuss this with you." He was still cackling like a hyena as you slammed his door.

Regular P.O.V. Next Evening
It was nine and you hadn't seen Gaara all day. All sorts of things were running through your mind. He hadn't made the attempt to see you at all and which was partly his duty. Hell, the man didn't eat with you and his siblings. It didn't occur to you until just now that his avoidance might have something to do with last night. 'Did what I said about missing him bother him?' 'What was he going to say?', 'Why does it upset me that I haven't seen him?', 'Is this arrangement inconvenient for him?' Your head just wouldn't shut up and your thoughts turned dark by the time you were toweling off after a shower. In fact you had noticed Kankuro acting strangely saying off things about Gaara not feeling well and laughing.

Angrily you dug some light blue lacy shorts out of the dresser you thought you would never use. You snatched a thin white cotton t-shirt out and slammed the drawer shut. The thing that tore you up the most was that you wanted to see him and he apparently intended to avoid you. The feeling you had at the moment pacing the floor was dreadful. You flung yourself out the door without a second thought and headed to find him.

Gaara's P.O.V.
The sound of gritting you teeth helped. This was your third cold shower today. "Will this ever fucking stop?" you clenched your hands into tight fists as the nuisance slowly went down. It was all Kankuro's fault he had made you admit to yourself all the the things you wanted from her. After last night you had taken the day to collect yourself. It had, had the opposite affect. You heard the door to your room open and shut. You assumed it was Kankuro, not checking the chakra signature. You got out and to dry off and compose yourself. Wrapping your towel around your waist and tucking it tightly so it wouldn't fall you walked straight into your dark closet.

Regular P.O.V.
The usual three minutes it took to reach his bedroom now took one. Gulping you knocked nervously. When he didn't answer frustration flushed through your body and you walked straight in.

His room was beautiful! The first room was a sitting/living room, colored in schemes of black, tans, and whites. It looked like every light was turned on. A two step staircase led to another room on the west wall. A black dresser displayed a large round mirror. You walked up to it. The reflection in that mirror was a huge crimson red bed with splashes of gold patterns. Curiostiy had caught the kitty.

You ran your hand along the covers of the bed. The material was soft. A sinking feeling started to spread at the base of your lungs. 'Better get out of here before he gets back,' you panicked not knowing how he would react to your snooping. You turned to leave but the pictures on the dresser caught your eye. There were three in frames. One of a beautiful dark blonde haired woman. Another of him and his siblings, and in the third he was standing in a group of Konoha ninja next to the new Hokage, they looked like the best of friends.

There was another laying flat down on the top. It was of you and him smiling at the park. 'Who took this picture and how did he get it?' you wondered. You picked it up to get a closer look but accidently dropped it on the floor. You bent down to retrieve it and when you reached to pick it up you felt a slight breeze on the back of your bare knees.

"What do you think you are doing?" a familiar rugged voice asked from behind you. Suddenly you stood back up to come face to face with Gaara, looking at him in the mirror, standing behind you. For some reason you couldn't turn around to face the real him. Those mint green eyes paralyzing, staring at you through the mirror. "I-I came to find you, to see why you weren't at dinner, I thought you weren't here, I-I was just about to leave," you couldn't move though. Gaara looked angry, his expression so intense. "Why are you dressed like this?" he sighed on the back of your neck making your skin reach out in the form of goose bumps. He tugged at the hem of your shorts, the dorsal side of his index and middle finger brushed against the space where your thigh and butt met. Breaking his gaze you took a moment to look at yourself in the mirror. The shirt you wore was way too thin you could see your erect nipples through the fabric, shorts covered barely anything length wise, you were basically half naked. This was really inappropriate and you had no idea why you hadn't thought of your attire before now.

"Why are you doing this to me?" he half hissed, half whispered. "Do you want me to lose control?" he accused brushing your hair to the side uncovering you neck. His hands began to rub the outer edges of your arms from shoulder to elbow. You bit your lip and shivered. What was he talking about, lose control. "Don't you realize all the things I want to do to you?" his mouth was directly next to your ear now, his gaze on the side of your face. "I.." is all you could manage. There were no words that would form. "No one knows you're here do they?" he asked. His left hand reached for the right side of your face to turn your head towards his gaze and the right smoothed itself against your lower stomach. "No," it was only a breath. His hand moved further up your shirt making your stomach reflex away. He brought you to him, your small back now flush with his large chest. Before his hand could reach your breast it stopped. Everything about him tensed, the air even seemed to freeze. "Do you want to leave Taiyo?" You went to say something but he stopped you. "But let me tell you this," he paused assessing your quaking body and pressed his lips against your ear. Every part of your body was tingling, your mouth was dry, and your pelvis ached with a powerful foreign force. "If you don't leave right now, I can promise you that I won't stop, even if you beg me to," his words rang in your eardrums with lustful truth.

You didn't move, how could you? You wanted this, so badly and it felt so good to have him pressed against you. Plus his absolutely dominating aura erased any fear, it only excited your deepest desires. Gaara's lips pursued your jaw line down your neck roughly, you just let your head extend back granting him access to more skin. That large right hand of his groped your breast trapping your hardened nipple in the palm of his hand. His tongue slid up the side of your neck to your earlobe that he then tugged on with his teeth. Taking his left hand from your face he replaced it beneath your belly button but not before grabbing your hip. All you knew at this point was that you wanted every bit of him and his touch made you crazy. You could feel the throbbing of your clit, hear the sound of blood wooshing in your head. You held the back of his hand, that had now switched attention to your other breast. With your other hand you gently guided his downward on to your heated mound over your shorts. His hot and heavy kisses had paused causing you to look forward in the mirror.

Gaara took in the sight gracing the mirror. He pushed two fingers between your covered lips to rub your clit. Not taking his eyes off the image of him teasing you, enjoying how his actions made you squirm and moan. He went back to kissing your neck and shoulder. With great longing you arched your back pushing you ass against his hardened member. This had caught his attention quickly. Removing his hand from your breast he proceeded to rip his towel off exposing himself all the while still rubbing you through your now wet shorts. He grabbed your wrist, forced it behind you and wrapped your hand around his cock. You didn't need any more instruction than that. Immediately you stroked him, earning a hearty groan from him. His manhood was large, you barely got your hand around it. Seeing that you could handle it yourself he reached for the bottom of your shirt to pull it up over your breasts. It was tight so the hemming caught the underside of them, letting them bounce down into normal position once the margin was at your nipples. Both his kissing and rubbing stopped so he could watch without. You bit your lip embarrassed.

"Turn around," he instructed and you did as you were told. He rewarded you by meeting his lips with yours. You melted into him wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your tits to his chest. Your mouths moved together perfectly, melding into one, tongues seeking one another's comfort. The taste of him cemented into your memory. Gaara broke this embrace only to remove your shirt. He tossed the useless clothe away to be forgotten. Still kissing you he picked you up by the underside of your legs which you eagerly wrapped around his waist in turn making his dick bend upwards. Uncomfortable, he hoisted you up a bit so now it was threatening to enter you. He walked backwards towards the bed and sat down. Deciding you wanted to taste his flesh as well you broke away from him to kiss his jaw, his neck, biting him harder than he had bitten you. To tease him you rocked forwards and backwards rolling your hips. His hands searched your body trying to explore every inch of skin available to him.

Letting instinct take over you stood up off of him not letting your mouth leave his skin. Your hands traveled down his chest to his erect member. You softly gripped it, rubbing up and down at an extraordinarily slow pace. Not wanting to tease him too badly you dropped to your knees and looked up at him. His jaw was jutted out forward, his eyebrows slanted in towards one another, and his breathing was deep and slow. Taking your tongue you flattened it against the tip of him collecting a taste of his precum. Gaara almost winced as you took him in your mouth. Gradually you started to go down deeper and deeper. Your hand was still on his hard cock and you followed your mouth with it. He gathered your hair up into his hands. You tried hard to keep taking him into your mouth faster and deeper. Momentarily to calm your gag reflex you came up all the way off of him a glistening string of saliva connected his manhood to your mouth. He was breathing heavily and groaning a little bit as you continued to stroke him. It took a few seconds but you were ready for him again. This time you went all the way down to the hilt, no doubt creating a bulge in your throat. The stretch of the cartilage rings in your throat hurt but also served the purpose of causing you to drip from your pulsing engorged hole. Trying to disregard the urge to gag you pressed on completely drenching his cock and your hand in saliva. "Taiyo!" Gaara tried to warn you that he was at his limit but it was too late. You lifted your mouth from his soaking cock continuing to stroke him fast, squeezing the bulbous tip harder with every stroke. You stuck out your tongue pointing his tip at your mouth. That did it. Gaara's hot white cum spurted out in three streams, some landing on your cheek, some on your tongue and the rest on your chest.

He looked on in surprise. Smiling you licked the corner of your mouth and swallowed the rest that had landed on your tongue. His was mostly tasteless but was bit sweet. It didn't take him long to notice that he was just staring, he got up and grabbed his discarded towel to use it to gently dry the rest of his spilled seed off of your cheek and chest. "Thank you Gaara," you smiled sweetly. "Come here," his voice was dark and raspy. He helped you stand up. Roughly he ripped your shorts down to your knees and you let them fall the rest of the way off. Then you followed as he led you back to the bed. Again he sat down grabbing you to sit down on top of his lap. That once soft manhood of his was now at attention again, just as big and hard as before.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Grimmjow lemon

I am not finished with this lemon either but I am going to start to type it up anyways. Thanks for being patient ladies and maybe gentlemen. I will have these finished very soon.

Name: Kagome
Looks: Long black hair, purple eyes very athletic body, 36 D breasts, tiny waist.
Powers: Teleportation and un-awakend guardian of the Kurai Hoshi world. (I made this up not of the show!)
Age: 19 (After full growth you stop aging)

All your life you have trained in various forms of combat. The only person that took care of you was your master because your parents died centuries ago. Though your parents loved you and gave their lives for you and Kurai Hoshi, you master has always been your guardian. (It will all make sense in the end) Before two years ago both your master and you lived out in the wilderness with a hundred or so monks. Then your master thought it was a good idea to expose you to society so he moved you to Karakura since he had "connections" there. Enrolled in high school you met Ichigo and Orihime and played a small part in the last of the battles with the soul reapers. A particular part where you teleported Ichigo from a battle where he had just slain a certain someone. Now all of you are finishing high school. P.S. You live on your masters dojo grounds but in a separate living quarters.

Regular P.O.V.
They were getting worse... especially today, it was really bad. 'I'm going crazy, maybe sensei hit me on the head one too many times, I have never felt things like this! And I'd know if it was a hollow!' you thought changing out of your gym shorts next to the other girls in your class. 'This is getting out of hand maybe I should tell sensei?' you wondered. 'There it was again a soft unseen caress on the small of your back that made you shiver. "I know, it's cold in here right," the girl next to you said noticing the uncomfortable quick pace that you dressed. "Yea...cold," you mumble hurriedly finished dressing and ran out. 'What's happening to me?' 'Hey Kagome!" Ichigo yelled from the front doors of the school but you were already across the field on your way to the dojo to train. "I know I said I would hangout but I gotta go! SORRY!" you yelled so both him and Orihime who was standing next to him could understand. "Alright but Saturday we're kidnapping you!" Orihime yelled waving back.

"I thought you had plans with Ichigo and Orihime," your sensei said sitting down on the wood step of the arena as you were putting on your bindings. "Well I decided to train instead," you replied monotonous beginning your warm up. "You will be able to train for all of time, but you won't have this world forever Kagome," he scolded you making you sigh he was such a father figure. Nothing was more draining then training. But even as the clock neared midnight the paranoia that had plagued for the past three months now did not wane, not a smudge. The past week you had even gone as far as to check every nook and cranny in your house for hidden cameras or microphones, but that would have only explained the eyes you felt on you constantly not the "touches" you were receiving so clearly.

About thirty after midnight you quit and left crossing the courtyard to your own home a la bod. trying your best to ignore the tickling along the sides of your body you undressed in your room. Something like hot breath winded across the back of your neck when your hair moved over your shoulder on it's own accord. At times, times like this you noticed that you actually enjoyed the feeling of that personal bubble being invaded, being touched. But never the less it was awkward to be touched at all since no one had ever shown you physical attention till moving here. Blushing you walked into the bathroom connected to the master bedroom pulled back the shower curtain and turned the water on. Before stepping in the warm water you let out a breathy sigh at a invisible object that rubbed down your arm, side, and thigh. With hygienic routine finished you stood there resting under the poring spout dozing off.

The bar-like figures that surrounded your waist were normal by now but when you felt a pinch to your nipple your eyes sprang open and you looked down, though found nothing. "ohhh," a small whimper left your mouth as a sensation continued down into the apex of your thigh. Is this what happened when you were a senior in high school and never had a sexual encounter of any kind even a kiss, you started imagining that someone was really touching you? Vision became blurry when the invisible touch circled and pressed on your clit. Wetness started to gather at the joining of your inner thighs and not from the shower. Something wet deviled inside your wanting core and you felt your legs being spread by force. Everything was hazy like a dream and you couldn't help but moan. "Nnah uhn, " that must be how it sounded when it was you moaning, whether this was real or not you reveled in it placing a hand on the wall to steady yourself as you shook. "ohh yess please...more hah," your breath was shaky and uneven. The heavenly sensation quickened then was replaced with a harder longer object that pumped itself in and out of you. Leaning your head back you continued to enjoy the heat that began to boil in the middle of your pelvis. Mouth agape you came releasing the pocket of hot fluid that had formed inside of you and as you did you swore you heard some one speaking. Whatever was inside you removed itself and you came back to reality, feeling alone for the first time in three months. Turning off the water you got out and dried with a towel. 'Did I fall asleep in the shower and imagine someone fingering me?' you shook the thought out of your mind got dressed and crawled in bed. Instantly you fell asleep but just before unconsciousness gripped you the kiss that laid itself on your forehead every night was present.

As usual you woke up around seven in the morning. Slowly you got up and walked over to your double door closet that had mirrors attached to the front grabbed your school uniform and went to put it on the blue chair in the top east corner of the room but stopped dead in your tracks dropping the uniform with a sharp gasp. Now you were seeing things. 'Great!' This large human shaped figure was blurry like the scratchy material on a prehistoric flat-screen T.V. You could clearly see that it lifted it's head in interest from its hand and placed its foot back on the ground from the other knee. Wide eyed you stared on as the figure got up and walked forward. You were frozen in place with fear and intrigue. Though the only thing you were afraid of was going insane. "Can you see me?" "Can you hear me?" a seductive male voice asked when it stopped mere inches away. 'Annnnd now I'm hearing things,' You didn't answer for fear if you did that you would officially go crazy. He leaned in and hot breath rolled across your face. "Do you know what I'd do if you could?" he reached up and stroked your cheek.

Guaranteed your face had to be as red as a tomato. Turning around you snatched up your uniform got dressed as quickly as possible as you struggled mentally with the figure. Faster than a flash you ran out of the house after you could slip some socks and shoes on. You ran all the way to school two miles from your house and of course the allusion kept up. School didn't start till eight so you were left to wonder the halls with your imaginary friend. Before the first bell rang you were already in your seat. Anxiously you watched every one's face as your classmates gathered in and sat down to see if they saw the figure standing behind you. No one seemed to notice. He started touching you again into second period occasionally your hand, face, and back. It wasn't soon enough when eighth period came around. You opened your gym locker and grabbed your shorts. "Such soft skin," the invisible stalker said as he touched your neck. The husky voice made you jump. "Are you okay Kagome? You have been acting funny all day maybe you should go home," Akiko who was more of an acquaintance asked as she finished dressing. Here was a perfect opportunity to go home. "No...actually will you walk me to the office to check out?" you replied.

"Of course," she said. Both of you and your imaginary friend walked out of the locker room. Half way there Orihime spotted you when she was walking with her classmates back into her classroom. She quickly ran over to you and grabbed your hand. "Kagome are you okay?" her voice was eager. She looked at the figure then you then Akiko. "She's not feeling well I was walking her to check out," Akiko happily said oblivious of the situation. "I will take it from here," Orihime smiled back and drug you very fast down the hallway. "Can you see him too?" you asked with a hysterical gleam in your eyes as both of you stopped in front of the office doors. "So it is following you?" she said looking at him. "Oh I'm so glad, you can see him," you sighed happily. "What does it want?" she asked shifting her gaze to you. "What's it to ya?" he said his voice sounding far away. "Well you can't eat her," she told him surprised. "Eat me?" you almost laughed. That, you had never thought of. "That's ridiculous," he scoffed. You let out a relaxed sigh at that but turned stiff when he wrapped his arms around you. "Well can you at least let her go?" she glared at the invisible man. "I'm not going to hurt her, just leave us alone," he removed himself and stood next to you. "Kagome I'm going to get Ichigo, go wait in the office," Orihime instructed you as she ran off.

"So you can hear me, that's great news," he happily followed you into the office. After signing out you sat down in one of the chairs along the office wall and of course he sat down next to you. "Hey beautiful don't ignore me," he placed his arm behind you and leaned in close to your face. "What do you want?," you hissed keeping your head down so Miss. Hameir wouldn't notice you talking to yourself. "Isn't it obvious... you?" he stated with a deep chuckle. "What do you want with me?" you asked eyebrows narrowing. "Many things but I think if I showed you the woman over there would think it a bit odd when you started screaming for more," he touched your neck again with his other hand. "Stop touching me," you shied away. "Don't be like, -" his sentence was cut short when Orihime walked in with Ichigo. The red head narrowed his eyes at the figure. "Let's go Kagome," Ichigo instructed. When the four of you got outside Ichigo turned around and confronted your not so imaginary friend. "How the hell are you not dead?!" Ichigo asked angrily  "Long time no see- for you... I crawled away and healed so what, stole energy from a few hallows," the mystery man said nonchalantly. "What do you want with Kagome?" Ichigo growled. "I want her, idiot.." he answered shrugging. "Orihime take Kagome home," Ichigo looked at you too. "Right," she pulled you away almost by force. "I'll be right behind ya Kagome," the blur spoke assuringly.

"Who is that guy? What is he?" you asked Orihime halfway to your house. There was still a bit of after shock in your system from learning that your ghost stalker was real. Yea you had things like that in your world but they were real not intended to be fictional. "I don't know Kagome, how long-," she stopped talking when her phone started to ring. Both of you stared at it for a second before she reached for it and turned her attention back to the road. "Hello," ............"Okay,"....."He's alive?"..............."I see,"....."Something she's not telling us,"....... she glanced at you. "Remember when you helped Ichigo by teleporting him?" "Yeah?" you waited for her reply wondering what the man had told Ichigo, you didn't want her to ask about your secrets. After all if this figure had seen you train he knew way more than he should. "Well the guy that Ichigo killed is your little friend he says that he's materializing because of you and might dissipate if not near you," she looked at you again wearily. You bit your lip that struck a blow to you conscience even if the guy was bad. "I don't want him to die just because I'm uncomfortable, tell him that!" you half yelled but were totally confused in why you even cared.  Right after she relayed the message she was cut off by a disturbance over the phone. "Hey give that back," you heard Ichigo yell. "Its him," Orihime handed the phone over. Your saliva was thick when you gulped before placing the receiver to your left ear. "Yes?" you breathed staring out the windshield.

"You're worried for me? I'll be at your place soon, I'll have to show my appreciation for that," his voice was husky. "Uh, that's okay, you don't have to," you scrunched your face a little. "Oh but I Want to," he said. "Can't wait for your nightly shower either, your so gorgeous when your wet." The words rolled silkily. You squeaked and hung up the phone dropping it on the dash. Those last words of his made you unable to repress a moist warmth that you felt. "Are you okay?" she looked at you worried. "I don't want to talk about it." When she pulled up into the dojo courtyard's you said that you would be fine and popped out running into your house and up to your room. You breath heavily sitting on your bed and you still felt wet from his words.  Looking at the open door to your bathroom brought last night's memories back. The thought of him touching you in the shower was not a good avenue of thought. You didn't even know what he looked like. You blink when you get the feeling of being watched. There he was standing in front of you. He knelled down right at your feet, that brought another wave of heat upon you when that dirty thought comes back. He put his hands on your thighs and you scrambled backwards on the bed and pulled your knees up to your chin. "What's the matter? You never used to freak out when I touched you." That was true but that was when you thought he was just an allusion engineered by the perverted side of your mind and you tell him so exempting the perverted part. He pauses to mull it over assumingly.

"I'm not going to hurt you, don't be so jittery," he calmly replied. "How can I not? I just started hearing and seeing the ghost that touches me...who stalks me!" you force a tremendous amount of venom into your tone. He gets on the bed and crawls over to you and put his invisible face next to your ear. "You're such a spit fire," he says but sounds like he's groaning it. "Please don't get so close," you say blushing and looking away. He does not oblige instead you feel a warm wet sensation trailing up the tendon in your neck. "And stop licking me," you half yell and try to jerk away from him but are stopped by his iron like arm on the other side of you. Then he speaks against your lips.

"Don't pretend you don't like it, I see you shivering every time I touch you, taste you, or play with you." His right hand finds its way up your shirt bunching it up to show your creamy abs. Automatically your eyes clench  when he cups your left breast. That was totally new, for him to be so blunt in touching. "Did it ever...occur to you...that I'm maybe...shuddering in disgust?" He chuckles hotly against your neck, his tongue snaking out to swirl over the pulse pounding there. A muffled moan manages to escape your mouth. "That I honestly doubt, what with that little sound you make when I play with you, like the one you made just now. And the fact that when I got here you were already wet and ready for me," 'How the hell did he know that?' you thought blushing. You stare at him and think of the time he preformed oral sex on you in the shower and faint something you have never done not in your five centuries of existence.

When you wake up, Orihime is in the room and the light is on because it's dark outside. "Are you alright?" she asks as you sit up and blink. You nod and ask her why she was there. She looked at the blue chair in the corner towards him. "He ran all the way to Ichigo to call me, he told me you passed out, I think he was really worried." she seemed to think about that. You nod again then look at his figure then turn away. "Tell him to get the hell out of my house!" you huff crossing your arms. "I don't know what she's so pissed about, I only touched her neck." "Oh nothing else? Ever?" you snarked at him. "What did he do?" "Oh nothing." you smile you weren't about to have that conversation with her. "You can go now, I'm fine, I just got a little shock is all," "A little shock," she raised an eyebrow. "Yeah go ahead home, I have a conversation to have with my guest, if you would be so kind as to lock my door on the way out that would be great," your voice was dripping sweet acid. She said goodbye nervously and darted out of the room.

You turned towards him. "What do you see of me?" he asked interested. "A freaky disturbance in the air, which is what you are, a freaky disturbance." He's suddenly at the foot of the bed, You wince in surprise and glare at him. "Do you have to move so fast?" "You like my presence or your'd have cried something like 'no' or 'stop' instead of 'please more' and 'oh yes!'" the smug in his tone was clear. "And I can move mu-uch slower, but I always had the feeling that fast and hard was what you liked." "Ugh," your hands fly up to your temples and you breath slowly to calm the fire that was ignited again in your uterus.

"That was you in the shower, I wasn't dreaming," you glared. "Hn," was his reply. "I was wondering why you responded if you couldn't see or hear me, you thought you were dreaming?.. Did you hear anything I said to you?" "Does it matter?.... I could hear you a little at the end..." your cheeks smoldered like rudolf's nose. "But I didn't hear what you said. Why did you do that? You had no right to put your hands and... tongue on me?" "You begged for more, remember? And I wanted you, what would have any other man done?" He had a point but it was still wrong. First off you didn't know him second he provoked emotions in you that were unrecognizable. "It matters if you didn't hear me because if you didn't I would like to tell you what I said." He huskily replied. Having the feeling that it was something dirty you slapped your hands over your ears. He doesn't disappoint either when he climbs over and pulls your hands from your ears."I said, 'Kagome you're so tight and wet," his breath and words made your stomach sink into your spine causing you to become even more moist. By his tone he's aware of this. "I said, 'scream for me, Kagome you taste so fucking sweet," he places his lips against your neck and his words vibrate off your trachea. "Kagome you're so damn sexy when you moan, I need to leave before I throw you down and fuck you right on the tile floor." That's when you finally take notice to the wobbling of your knees and breath coming in small quick pants. "What do you want right now?..I can't fuck you till you can see me, but I can still make you see stars." At that point you badly wanted to scream yes till your voice became hoarse but you jerked back shaking your head. For the love of all that was good you were a princess, you were taught to present yourself with the ut-most dignity. "Please stop, I don't even know your name, let alone what you look like!" "Is that what your so twisted up about? My name's Grimmjow JeagerJaques, and you'll see what I look like soon enough."

"Gri-Grimmjow?" you say his name for the first time and suddenly he pushes you down and rips off your uniform skirt along with the strawberry panties. You start to protest but his hand is at your private want before you can utter anything more than, "No-Ah!" He rubs your clit in circles slowly at first then faster with a finger. "I really enjoy the way you say my name," he breaths in your ear. Helplessly you spread your legs for him and buck your hips into his hand. "Do you want me to fuck you with my tongue?" the question was almost tender. You arched your back panting faster. "Oh yes, please yes," your body was in control now you had no real grasp of reality. The only thing you wanted was for him to sooth the ache that pulsed in your virgin walls. "Mm I love when your voice is like this, talk to me, I wanna hear more." His voice and hair tickled your thighs. "Please.. more," "Tell me what you want." "I want," voice constricted surprisingly said. "Kiss me!" He pauses and a firm pressure seizes you lips. Eagerly you arch up to return. He swallows your breathy moans and his tongue is a wet pocket of air in your mouth. It felt amazing having his body on yours. He stops kissing you and murmurs across your open mouth. "What else do you want? Do you want what I want?" "Wh-what do you w-want?" you were  almost afraid to ask. "Mnhn, what do you think I want?" It seemed like you still had the good grace to blush. "Do you want me to tell you?" He ardently asked obviously knowing that the way he talked excited you. "Nnn...yes," your body throbbed in anticipation.

"I wish you could see me so I could fuck you into the mattress and break this fucking bed down," he stops to inhale the scent of your hair. "I want you to scream my name and watch your body move with mine," he moves away and travels back down biting at your skin. The slight impressions of his teeth were tracks left as a trail. He spread your legs apart. In the mirror parallel to the bed you could see your naked body being manipulated by an unseen force that left a large indention in the bed. His tongue sank into the wet valley between your dewy folds.  He made sure not to touch the tight little hole that wanted him so badly as he ran up and down then up again to your tiny inflamed pearl. When he started to polish it he lifted your legs up and over his shoulders. Grimmjow ran his palm up one thigh snaking his very large hand in your shirt and under your sports bra. You gasp when he pinches the erect nipple. Everything he did was an overload to your senses. He hummed which vibrated your clit. "Do you like that," he asked quickly returning to his task, that hand giving your left breast a hard squeeze. "Ye-yes," your eyes were closed mouth open like a panting dog and your fingers twitched at the sheets as you concentrated on the fiery current that churned in your pelvis. He fully pressed his tongue on you then licked up before slowly circling your hot opening. "Hah ah," you couldn't help but let him do what he wanted. You moaned loudly and grabbed fistfuls of the covers on the bed when he thrust his tongue into you. Grimmjow continued his technique for a while making heat roll through your whole abdomen. Before his hand retreated from your shirt he rolled the abused nipple between his fingers. You felt a thick long finger enter you. "Gri-Grimmjow!" you inhaled sharply surprised and arched up. Grimmjow came back up to lay on your right side while he slid his middle finger in and out slowly.

"Your face is so lovely, I wish you could see me watching you enjoy this," he breathed and it sounded like he licked his lips, his voice was crystal clear now. Your knuckles were white. "Pl-please don't stop," you begged because he had slowed to a torturous pace,  you were bucking your hips making his finger go in faster. "Should I make you come?" he licked the shell of your right ear and nibbled on your jawbone. Those dirty words made you blush more if that was possible. "Kagome tell me," he stopped completely letting you do all the work. All dignity was gone. "Y-yes," you pleaded again. "Yes what?" his voice was such a turn on. Opening your eyes you looked at his see-through face with clouded eyes. "Please... make me come Grimmjow," it came out as a lustful whimper. "Mmm,"he kissed you hard before pushing another finger in and speeding up quite considerably. The white hot pleasure electrified your body when he started a come here motion inside you. It was hard to keep your eyes on him, his breath was shaky. The sound of your own lubricant pushed you closer to that glorious edge. "Oh oh I'm," you couldn't get the rest out you were so close. "Kagome say my name," he cleared his throat and started to finger you harder, hard enough to reach your cervix every time. There it was and he knew from the pulsing walls and quivering of your body. "Say my name," he urged. "Grimmjow! Grimmjow!" you screamed between moans as he made you come. Liquid poured from you as he pulled his drenched fingers out. You watched two invisible fingers be licked. "I love how you can come so much," he whispered and you could tell he was smirking in triumph. He stood up and pulled the blanket from out underneath then he walked over to the lightswitch, shut off the light, came back to lay down and covered the both of you.

Grimmjow drug you close. 'I can't believe I let him do that! I am supposed to be holy!' you fretted as he kissed you on the forehead. Another thought invaded your mind as your breathing and pulse descended to normal. "Why? you asked then swallowed thickly. "Why what?" he asked as if he was already contemplating an answer. "Why me? Why did you choose me?" you worried about his answer because it took him a moment. "It wasn't as if I was searching for a woman, I was laying on the ground dying when I saw you.." he paused. "Where?' you wanted to hear more intrigued but still embarrassed by the night's events. "Your jogging trail," "The first time you passed by I thought nothing of you, I was trying to regain my strength which was not working." That stung for some reason then his arm tightened around your naked waist.

"The second time you sat down on a log right next to me." He kissed the back of your neck. "In that short time you sat there I was able to start moving, through time I started to get strong again more and more every time we were near." you remembered that you never sat down during your jogs but around that time you were compelled to do so every other day. "I realized you were what was giving me my strength back, keeping me tied to the physical world," he explained. Even though his story was informative it didn't really explain the original question. Pushing your pointer fingers together you grappled with a way to clarify and he noticed. "Did I answer your question beautiful?" his voice was softer than satin. "Staying around me because your slowly regaining strength I understand but..." you had a hard time with this part. "B-but why do you touch me?" your voice was barely a whisper. "I can pick up what your putting down," he paused. His voice became louder as he spoke. "You don't see yourself that clearly do you?" He didn't pause for the answer. "Why wouldn't I want to touch you? Everything about you fits me perfectly...princess," he let on that he knew your secret and his hand traveled down your naked stomach to cup your crotch "Hm hm," chuckling as he did. Your eyes went wide in the dark. "Ho-how di-," he didn't let you speak.

"Oh give me more credit than that! Honestly I probably know a lot more than you think I do, and there is no way I'm passing the chance to fight for an eternity again and protect you... princess Kagome." "You don't know what your saying," you wait, rigid angry that he knew details of your fate. "Princess you're far more deliciously devious than you let on and non-fragile in the least bit as you would have others think however we all can be dark... before my death I was fueled by a very different desire and it could be argued that I was evil hm hn," Grimmjow stopped talking. "So what is your desire now?" you asked voice cold with suspicion. A part of you sent your hackles flying up. "Woah there I only have one intention to gain as much strength by protecting and fighting with you." Eyes alight with blue glow you flung up as if levitating for a split second twisted the invisible figure grabbed his wrists and pinned him to the bed. "Listen, I'll let you share my space because I'm not a murderer, but understand me when I say this, if I feel for even one millisecond that you threaten my world..I will Kill you." "Ah ha ha ha!" he laughed. "Your quite the actress, playing innocent and powerless in front of your friends, they don't have a clue as to who or what you are." You glowered at him. "There is no need to worry, I have no intention of threatening your world and don't act like you don't want me around, I want to be with you and help," his last sentence was whispered. Letting go of his wrists, that you couldn't fit your hands around, sat down where his groin would be and thought. Sensei would not be pleased about this. His knowledge about Kurui Hoshi and his intentions it would be a fight when this situation revealed itself. 'Did I just think of him going with me? Do I want him to go with me?' you shook those thoughts off not wanting to think about him NOT coming with when the time came to cross over.

Grimmjow leaned up and kissed you, his wet invisible tongue sliding across you lips. "You know you're going to have to answer to my master when he finds out about you," you pulled away saying, got off him and laid back down. "Hm I will answer to him but regardless of what anyone else wants, I'll be by your side always," he whispered in your ear with finality. 'Why?' you wondered but you really didn't want to talk about it anymore. The safety of your home was your only concern. Honestly it baffled you that his words filled you with emotion, he is the only one who has every made you act, think, and feel irrationally in accordance with your monk hood training. "I think that if your going to keep materializing... until you are fully visible.... that you should stay away from my school... and the dojo," you said and yawned. "What ever you want princess, if it makes it easier, but if I become whole when your not around, I will come searching for you," his voice was sternly delicious. Nothing was said after that. Mind racing a million miles a minute you forced yourself into unconsciousness.

Next Morning Saturday

"Knock-Knock-Knock," the hard raps on the door were repeated several times. "Dammit," you woke up looking at the clock. 9:05 am. "Looks like your little friends are here to kidnap you," Grimmjoww said apparently awake as well. "Yea they always do," you smirked noticing that you were in quite a good mood. The door opened. "Kagome don't make us come get you!" Orihime yelled from the living room and you could hear her footsteps starting towards the stairs. She had copied your key against your will when she and Ichigo forced you to be their friend. "I-I'll be down in a minute! Just stay there!" you yelled remembering shamefully that you were half naked. She stopped probably two steps up you assumed and went back to the living room with an uncertain reply. "Oh-kay..." You flew out of bed flung your closet door open and rummaged through it. Grabbing a white skirt and black top you rushed to your dresser and pulled out some peach panties, leg guarders and socks. After you hurriedly got dressed you ran to your bathroom to brush your teeth and hair. You put your hip long hair up into a simple pony tail since you had not been able to take a shower the night before. When you came out Grimmjow was in the blue chair and the bed was made. The mundane thoughtfulness made you blush. "Well let's go," he said interrupting your stare. Quickly you got on your wooden sandals. They got a lot of looks but the centuries old type of shoe was what you grew up with what you were comfortable with.

"He's still here?" Orihime raised her eyebrows in concern and surprise. "You're really pushing it buddy," Ichigo sneered, he was standing indifferently but his voice was clearly colored in displeasure . Before you could say anything Grimmjow wrapped his arm around your shoulder. His form was more prominent, more real, as if he was there but invisible sort of. His foot steps even made sound on the hard wood floor. "Kagome and I see eye to eye like it or not I'm here to stay," he spat arrogantly. This was ruining that good mood you had woken up in. "Enough, let's just have a nice day, find peace!" your voice was stern. They mumbled knowing they had acted like idiots. Orihime laughed nervously. "Oh-kay well let's go," she linked her arm with yours as all four of you proceeded to exit.

Through out the day people glanced at your group when any of you would talk to the invisible figure but all of you just seemed to go with it. Ichigo took all of you to a weapons show. It was enjoyable expressing expertise in weapons and watching part of the course polishing process. Of course you had to pretend dumb on everything dulling your knowledge that you had in this field. Nonetheless they had been impressed. You knew of their secret world but they did not know of yours. At around five Orihime took you guys to a yogurt shop. It was seven by the time all of you were walking towards your house through the park. "Yea did you see that guy's face! Ha ha ha," you cackled with hilarity making the face again. "You have such a serious looking face he didn't see it coming," Ichigo said. "I thought it was funny that he pointed trying to get his friend to look," Orihime giggled.  When the four of you had gotten on the subway earlier to get to the park, the train cart you were in stopped by another train cart. Through the glass Orihime saw a man dressed in a business suite staring at you and pointed it out. You pulled down your eyelid with your index finger and stuck your tongue out at him. The business man looked away surprised and got the attention of a man sitting next to him. This type of situation is exactly what your master wanted, you to experience pleasant mundane activities as he called them.

No one brought up the issue from earlier as you said good bye. "See you on Monday Kagome," Orihime waved walking with Ichigo. "Later Kagome if you need help call me!" he yelled seriously. "Later," you smiled and waved ignoring his comment and shut the door. Sighing you turned around and headed towards the kitchen for some food. "Wh-what is this?" you stammered between bites of your meal. He was sitting in the chair next to you at the table with his arms crossed. "Food?" he chuckled at his own sarcasm. "I know that," you finished the rest in a couple bites. "I meant..." he seemed intrigued placing his arms on the table and leaning in. "Uh, this..." you stared down at the table blushing and swaying your index finger between him and yourself. "What?" he said acting stupid. "You know what I mean," you looked to the side. "What do you think 'this' is?" he grabbed your chin lifting it up a little to force you to look at him. "I-I don't know," it was hard to speak when this type of aura would envelope the two of you, a pulling feeling started in your chest, like a magnet. "Mm, I think I'll let you figure that out on your own," he leaned in over the table and licked your lips. 'Why do I let him touch me,' 'Do I like it?,' you wondered refusing to admit the obvious. "Did you think of an answer?" his breathed noticing the look that crossed your face. "N-No," you pulled away scooting your chair back grabbing your bowl. After washing it you went up to your room with Grimmjow following to take a shower.

Before he could follow into the bathroom you slammed the door in his face. "What's the big idea?" he asked irritated. "I'm taking a shower," you said getting naked down to your sports bra and peach panties. "Yea your point?" he walked in. 'Of course he can open doors, should have locked it.' "Get out of here!" you threw your shirt at him. He easily dodged it. "It's not like I haven't seen you naked before," he said stepping closer. "That's not the point I didn't give you permission, now get out," you huffed moving the shower curtain and turning on the water. Grimmjow grabbed your hips and pulled your butt hard against his groin area. You gasped a wave of sensation washing over your back side. His thumbs hooked in the top of your panties pulling them down so that they dropped pooling around your feet. "What do you think your doing... ah ha ha!" you giggled when his finger tips dug into your hips. The tall invisible man in front of you chuckled evilly grabbed both of your wrists in one hand holding them above you. "St-ha-St-ah-stop!" you tried wiggling away from him as he laughed and tickled your sides. Laughing like this made it impossible to struggle very hard but you managed to pull away from him and land against the back wall of the shower, drenching the sports bra you had on. "Hey! now my bra is wet," you looked up from the bra to Grimmjow who looked like he was stepping out of pants. He advanced fast lifting your arms up once again but instead of tickling he shoved his big hand between your breasts pushing them apart. The wet tight material was shoved past your nipples. You yelped when he seized a pink nipple with his lips. He let go and helped you take the soaking bra off. When he reached for your body again you stopped him by grabbing your body wash. "Stay back!" you pointed the bottle at him like a sword, smirking. When his hand reached for you it received a good smack with the bottle. This continued for about 15 seconds. "In the mood for games are we?" he chuckled and stopped letting you pour some of the soap into your hand.

"Do-don't watch me!" you whined turning around to lather your whole body with soap. Not listening he grabbed your waist pulling you to him. His hands ran over your soapy front. "Now that I can not do," he huskily replied in your ear fondling your breasts. "Pl-please st-stop I didn't sa-ay you could do this," you panted gripping his wrists. 'Why does it have to feel so good,' you screamed in your head helplessly squirming in his hold. He turned you around so that you could rinse off. "Le-let me wash my hair," you breathed while he kissed, and licked at your shoulder. He stepped back letting you finish. It took you about ten min to wash your hair completely. Not letting him grab you again you turned off the shower as fast as you could and ran out of the bathroom grabbing a towel on your way. It didn't take him but a second to catch up with you he pulled the tail of the towel spinning you out of it making you land on the bed. Both of you were laughing as he tackled you onto the queen size bed. Blowing the hair out of your face you looked up at the blurry figure who was now positioned between your legs and gripping your wrists above your head. How could it be so natural just to be naked in front of this man you barely knew, laughing like two old friends. The noise of laughter died out with happy sighs. There was a silence now and you stared up at him for quite sometime. Grimmjow leaned down capturing your lips in sweet embrace. Slowly your eyes closed and you wrapped your arms around his would be neck. Instead of letting him dominate your mouth you twirled your tongue around his in the opposite direction. The inside of his mouth was more wet and every portion  of it was definable. The thick muscles on his back were physical now not as roughly shaped as before.

Curiously running your right hand up the back of his neck you discovered that you could tussle his hair between your fingers. 'I wonder what color it is?...What if he's ugly..ew, well with a body that feels like this how could he be?' your mind wondered as you allowed yourself to touch his toned invisible form. Firm abs plated his stomach, it felt nice to run your knuckles along them. Grimmjow stopped kissing to hover and gave out a wicked chuckle that sent your hairs on end in both a good and bad way. "Seems that my wretched hole is gone as well that-" "What hole?-you can feel that...when I touch you?" you asked and he ignored. "How much do you feel of me?" his voice was like smooth gravel which always made your lungs jolt. Blushing you looked away towards the mirrors on your closet doors. There you were butterfly spread on your bed with a blurry and definable body above. Quickly you looked back at him so he wouldn't notice the images in the mirror. "I-your, everything..." It  was exasperating that you couldn't find any words when you were uncomfortable in this aspect. "Hm hm," he sat up on his knees. "Can you fucking feel this!?" he grabbed the sides of your thighs from underneath your knees and pulled you to his hardened groin. You sucked in air loudly in surprise. What you knew had to be his penis was pressed firmly against your labias lengthwise. "Wha- what are you doing!?" you sqiurmed in his grip. "Mmmmm so nice," Grimmjow groaned as he started to move running the length of his hard cock up and down against you not coming close to penetration. "I coouuld fuck you right now," he said in his own realization. That threat was enough to freeze you in place. Continuing his despicably indecent action he reached with one hand to grabbed the side of your neck with his thumb resting it on your blood red cheek. "Haah but I won't.. for right now I'm going to give you a little taste of what it'll be like when I do take you."

Suddenly and explosively you were wet, so wet what he was doing was audible and the liquid started to spread to the apex of your thighs. "Ah Sto-stop wait!" you were struggling feebly against the pleasure. "Quit playing Kagome, you want it, your so fucking wet I can see my own dick," he laughed and pulled his hand from your neck just to place his thumb on your now engorged clit and rub hard. Just like the times before you couldn't help but give in. 'This is so embarrassing...I-I can't do anything,' helpless and wiggling from the burn in your veins you just looked to the side back to the mirror. Soft moans played around your open mouth while you watched his ghostly figure torment yours. You screamed when he bent down to bite the tendon on your neck harshly. "Hn hn you like watching? I'll give you something to watch," Grimmjow gripped your hair at the base of your skull and brought you up to your knees. You huffed loudly from the pain then something snapped, a wild flare whipped through your spine. Growling tore through your chest imitating a seductive animal. "I'll make that vicious side show yet ha ha ha!" Grimmjow moved around you diligently on his knees behind you re-positioning his hand in your hair at the same time. He pushed your face to the bed so that you could see the mirror his knuckles digging into your head. You yelled when he smacked your right globe that was now in the air. He spanked you two more times so hard it stung and choked your breath like an engine seizing. "Grimmjow!" It was so hard not to scream and moan as he plunged two fingers into that hot hole that always seemed to want him. The way he compelled your body to shake it was as if he knew every inch better than you. Targeting that spongy ceiling of your wetness he rubbed and prodded. In the mirrors you could see yourself forced in a demeaning but erotic pose. The girl looking back at you had a feral and untamed look on her face as she screamed in ecstacy. You could see the just blurry but definable shape, Grimmjow had his left arm laid across your back holding your head down and his right hand pumping and twirling inside. It didn't take him long to cause you to cum, he slowed his fingers but pumped hard, a pump for every three seconds as your orgasm dissipated.

You panted as your core shook, so badly you wanted more... so badly it scared and angered you. How could a celestial being like yourself be suppressed and dominated by feelings so trivial especially with one not of your kind. "How.Dare.You!" you growled twisting out from underneath him to kick him onto the floor as soon as he let go of your hair.

Before he could even think of attempting to get up you were upon him holding that huge chest of his down with your slender foot.  "Hnn... you always want to fight ha, keep it up and you'll be forcing me to take you," he ran his hand up your thigh slightly raising himself and your foot to touch your dripping peach. By the time he reached mid-thigh you slammed him back down to the floor and slid your left leg backwards so his hand would be out of range. The floor boards whined under pressure, if you applied more force they would break and that meant repairs which meant sensei would know about him prematurely. You let off a little but still retaliated with words. "Shut your dirty mouth!" you lowly shrieked. 'Why do I let him disrespect and demean me I should be killing him at this very moment, but... but I can't.' "Aw but Kagome, you like my dirty mouth," he smiled bigger it was clear in his voice. Blood rushed to your cheeks in embarrassment and anger. "Rrrrr, but I don't want to! I hate not being in control of my own body! It just lets you do what ever you want and enjoys every bit of it against my will! How is it that you make me so weak!" you yelled down at him through gritted teeth. "Love seems to make any being it wants weak" his voice became low and his words seemed to be colored with light tint of resentment. A different expression now occupied your face along with a feeling in your gut. That word you knew but never understood. The only one you had every truly cared about on a personal level was your sensei but that devotion was not love but more fierce respect, caring, and duty on both ends of the line. "If love means being a superficial immature child that is satiated by mere touch alone than I want no part of it," you schoffed looking away as you removed your foot and walked towards your closet. You watched his blurry figure stand up behind you though it did not prepare you for his next action. Grimmjow grabbed you bringing you to him so that your back touched his invisible front side. He wrapped his arms around you but not in a sexual way there was something definitely off with his vibe. "Does that mean you want no part of me?" he asked in a whisper. Why did his question hurt so much? It felt like a huge muggy ball was stuck in your throat stretching it so that it was painful and incapacitating you to speak.

"Princess Kagome, I learned much while I was dead, I learned that the drive to seek power lead me to my death, that the universe places darkness and light on an unlevel balance however it can be tipped to either side. When I died I knew I would once again become a menos but you changed that fate and now I am becoming more powerful than I could imagine, I can feel it. Your sensei was right when he said you were not ready to bring the war in your world to an end and peace to your people," he finished his lecture but held you in a soft but sturdy grasp. His words confused and angered you, well that last part pissed you off actually. "Which reminds me I have not trained today..." your tone was steady control but inside there was so much turmoil. He slid his arms from you slowly as you slipped away from him. You walked to your closet opened the door and grabbed out your regular under-armor that weighed fifty pounds. Without a word you dressed as he stared at you and walked out of the room down the steps through the hallway and out to go train.

Grimmjoww's P.O.V.
"Chssh," you laid down on Kagome's bed after you heard the front door close. "She is completely anesthetized and I thought I was a cold fish, ha as if I all of a sudden I have the knowledge of someone with compassion," you chuckled to your self as you pondered that thought. Did dying change your perspective that much maybe but you knew for certain you would always be a killer and a power seeker. "But her...her, she makes me feel electric," you closed your blurry fist tight wishing to see your knuckles turn white. It was true though; in death your perspective was the same but being filled by her aura had changed everything and that was apparent the first time you reached out and touched her cheek after you gained enough strength to follow her around. You had never felt so powerful before than when you were around her even without being able to use your powers. "That will come too, I can feel it, ha she is stuck with me," you kept speaking aloud here and there as you thought. Whether she liked it or not she would fall into place beside you.

3 hours later
"Gah!" you grunted from the slice you received as you flipped backwards. The Pe Wing Chung dummy whose several arms were made of Uchigatanas had more hits than you and you have never been cut by the Pe Wing Chung dummy. It was upsetting today was the worst you have done since you were ninety. At this point you were pacing the dirt of the enclosed courtyard glaring at the Pe Wing Chung dummy as your teeth tugged at your right hand index finger. It wasn't that the guard board or the stepping post or any of your other equipment was able to one up you it was the cloudy haze your mind was in. Quickly you jumped close to the dummy. 'It's him, him, him!' you stabbed the dummy three times with the ninjato in your left hand. This was unacceptable it was like he made you question who you were. 'I am Princess Kagome and it is my sworn duty to save Kurai Hoshi and my people,' but that made you wonder is that all you were that this inevitable conquest was your only destiny. You were done with training apparently zou were not getting to the level of flow to concentrate and control your powers.

The light was still on in the bedroom you noticed as you walked up the stairs of the house. When you reached the door you took a breath before walking in. Grimmjow was still laying on the bed but did not move at all as you entered. The outline and the color that was now a little visible alarmed you. He was becoming more material by the hour. Quickly and quietly you ran to the bathroom and clicked the door shut and hopped in the shower you washed at a rather quick pace, you did not want him to notice how visible he had become. After the shower you slapped your head realizing you had forgotten pajamas. It seemed you would have to walk out naked after drying. As you feared he was awake and seemingly watching the bathroom door intently from the position of his now slight silhouette. With his head propped by one hand with his elbow on the bed he spoke. "That is new, what no pajamas?" he chuckled. Glaring you put your nose up at him like he smelt of curdled milk and walked to the dresser to get a shirt and some panties. Knowing how he would be able to now see the outline of himself in the mirrored doors of the closet you avoided them. Without speaking you turned off the light and crawled into bed with him getting under the covers with you. "How you are cold woman," he sighed like he enjoyed that fact. "Hmm that's just fine I know you are warm for me," Grimmjow pulled your body close to his since you had laid down with your back towards him. "I am only one thing, the salvation of my world," you spoke monotonously. Some how you had become disappointed by this because you realized you wanted more than that. "But so much more..." he whispered in your ear seeming to imply more than the words. Like it always did his voice sent pulses through your very bones that emitted vibrations into your muscles. At this point you were just angry with yourself, how could you be so easy to influence, so you just lay silent, eyes shut tightly. He only chuckled before kissing the back of your neck.

The morning came swiftly. Light shown through the window waking you from a restless slumber. There were no arms around you anymore, you sat up with haste looking around panicked. Where was Grimmjow.

Gaara Lemon

This is an exceptionally long lemon. Feel free to skip straight ahead if you want. The reason this one is so long is that Gaara is one of m...